A Telemedicine Visit Offers Convenience and Comfort During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a landslide of changes to our everyday lives and routines. Whether you’re currently working at home, taking classes online, or still going out to perform essential work, you’re probably wondering how you can access vital health care services during this period. 

At a time when most Americans are being asked to stay home, visiting a doctor’s office can be inconvenient, if not outright risky. You might be concerned about your increased risk due to underlying health conditions. Or perhaps someone in your household is ill, and you’re worried about being contagious yourself. 

Here at neurosurgeon Dr. Christopher Duma’s office, we’re excited to announce our telemedicine services to help you access the care you need during this difficult time. 

Telemedicine puts you first

Even without the conditions of a pandemic, access to health care often comes with its own complications. It can be hard to find a convenient appointment that works with your busy schedule, arrange for child care while you’re out, or cope with the long waiting times at some offices. 

However, telemedicine revolutionizes this. With the tap of a screen, we’re available at your convenience. You can talk face to face just as if you were in our office with Dr. Duma -- but without leaving your home. Most importantly, you can receive the quality care you deserve without putting yourself or anyone in our community at risk of contagious illnesses like COVID-19.

Our telemedicine services also allow you to:

How it works

All you need to connect for your telemedicine appointment with Dr. Duma is a smartphone, tablet, or computer that has video and internet capabilities. Once you get in touch with our office, we can arrange a video consultation that works with your schedule and availability. 

You can expect the same high quality of care for your neurological and brain conditions that you would receive in the office but with the added convenience and flexibility that telemedicine offers. You can get updates about a chronic condition, refill a prescription, or ask questions about any neurological or physical symptoms you’re experiencing. Because our telehealth services are HIPAA-compliant, you are guaranteed confidentiality, respect, and the time you need to receive care and guidance from Dr. Duma.

Telehealth visits are a quick, simple, and flexible way to take care of your brain and body, both during the pandemic and beyond. Whether you’re looking to continue your treatment with Dr. Duma or are experiencing a new neurological issue, get in touch with us to set up a telemedicine appointment today.

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